> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\stprtool\generalp\normald.m

    function [p]=normald(X,mi,sigma)
% [p]=normald(X,mi,sigma)
% NORMALD calculates the value of many-dimensional probability density
%   of the normal (Gaussian) distribution for given vectors in the
%   matrix X and parameters of the normal distribution mi, sigma.
% Input:
%   x [NxK]  - matrix K of input vectors for which the density is calculated
%   mi [Nx1] - vector of mean values
%   sigma [NxN] - covariance matrix
%  where N is the dimension of the feature space.
% Output:
%   p[1xK] - the value of the probability density
% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague,
% Written Vojtech Franc (diploma thesis) 19.03.2000
% Modifications
% 24. 6.00 V. Hlavac, comments changed to English.

p=exp(-1/2*mahalan(X,mi,sigma))/((2*pi)^(DIM/2) * sqrt(det(sigma)));